
- Financial statements.
- Tax opinion.
- Inventories management.
- Internal controls.
- Government audit.

Mergers and acquisitions
- Due dilligence.
- Business and share valuation.
- Corporate estructure review.
- Mergers and spin-offs.

Tax Consulting
- Impuestos corporativos.
- Impuestos internacionales.
- Seguridad social e infonavit (Dictamen).
- Impuestos estatales.
- Enajenación de acciones (Dictamen).

Business consulting
- Systems management and business operation.
- Process consulting, business process mapping, improvement and optimization.
- Certification projects according
to six sigma black belt.

Financial Consulting
- Structuring and financing.
- Financial and strategic planning.
- Restructuring of liabilities and organization.

Tax Defense
- Fiscal defense of tax credits.
- Assistance in Tax Audits.
- Amparo filing against general rules.
- Attention of electronic reviews.
- Reactivation of digital stamps.
- Review, attention and defense against the application of article 69- B of the Fiscal Code of the Federation.

Prevention of Money Laundering
- Identification of vulnerable activities.
- Analysis of company operations.
- Mapping of associated risks.
- Control program design and operations supervision.
- Delimitation of responsibilities of those involved in the operation.

Transfer Pricing
- TP documentation.
- Valuation of shares, businesses and intangibles.
- Evaluation and structuring of operating models, emphasizing value generators and fiscal results.
- Operating Model Diagnosis.
- TP Risk Assessment.
- Defense of TP audits, controversies, MAPs and APAs.
- Restructuring of operations between RP.
- Analysis of financing structures.

Foreign Trade, Customs
and Indirect Taxes
- Consultancy:
Optimization in foreign trade and customs via promotion programs and FTA (Savings). - Assistance:
Obtaining Programs IMMEX, PROSEC, VAT and IËPS Certification, OAS Registries and C- TPAT (Management). - Compliance:
Reviews of foreign trade operations, procedures and internal controls (Assessment).

Accounting/Book Keeping
- Registration, analysis and reconciliation of accounts and balance integration.
- Implementation of administrative-accounting.
- Accounting update and tax obligations.
- Electronic accounting.
- Business payroll processing, issuance of invoices and compliance with obligations.

Accounting Advisory Services
Our area provides professional accounting advisory to your business to solve complex accounting challenges under the following authoritative frameworks:
- Mexican Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS).
Training and update in financial accounting standards.
Support in the adoption of new accounting standards.
Diagnostic, review, and preparation of deferred income tax computations-Interim and annual periods. US-GAAP ASC-740, IFRS- IAS-12, MFRS (NIF-D-4).
Technical memorandums (accounting papers)
- to support of accounting treatments in complex accounting standards( i.e., derivatives, income taxes, business combinations, revenue recognition, leases, uncertainties in taxes).
Support in the determination of GAAP to GAAP differences. US-GAAP vs. IFRS or Mexican Financial Reporting Standards.